Monday, September 30, 2019

Divine Intervention Essay

The belief in divine powers controlled civilian life in the ancient world. Piety, sacrifice, and complete devotion were necessary to keep these gods happy. In both ancient texts, The Epic of Gilgamesh and The Aeneid, this sort of respect and dedication to the gods is seen. Although ruling at different times, both kings in these epic adventures face uniquely different divine powers that have a diverse way of handling each culture. The role of the gods, although present in both hero’s journeys, differ dramatically for Aeneas and Gilgamesh by means of the amount of freedom the divine powers allow, and how their gods bring each character’s culture to justice. The gods are not only a necessity for spiritual guidance, but they also have a vast influence on the direction of a mortal’s life on earth. The amount of direction and guidance they provide, however, varies with the two stories, The Aeneid and The Epic of Gilgamesh. Throughout Aeneas’s journey there is a divine intervention with every step he takes. The gods have predetermined his course to find a new land in Italy, and they have been able aid him with every challenge that Juno presents. Aeneas has no choice and must follow the will of the gods. For example, while fleeing the war-torn Troy Aeneas spots Helen and wishes to kill her, giving her what he feels she deserves. However, before he is able to do this Venus appears to stop him and mentions that it is not Jupiter’s will for her to die then (Virgil, Book II, 1210-1211). This knowledge from the gods prevents Aeneas from killing Helen, and continues to push him towards his already-planned fate. Even when Aeneas has to leave Dido against his own will, he is forced to stay on the path that Jupiter intends him to. His heart lies with Dido, however we see that he has no choice when he proclaims to her, â€Å"Cease to enflame my heart and yours with plaints: not by my choice I go to Italy† (Virgil, Book IV, 360). The gods have even more influence over Aenea’s own heart, which demonstrates the powerful role their presence plays in this ancient world. The lack of freedom that Aeneas has with his own life significantly differs from the amount of freedom Gilgamesh has. Whereas the gods had a hand in every action, plan, and direction of Aeneas’s life, their presence was not as dominant with Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh was allowed much more free will by the  gods. With little intervention, Gilgamesh is able to do as he wishes throughout his city including claiming first sexual rights to women (Gilgamesh, Tablet 1, 63). Later on in his journey he seeks to find immortality, which is not a will of the gods, further demonstrating the lack of guidance the gods have in a mortal’s life on earth. In his epic story the gods take on a more passive role, dealing with the actions of mortals after they have occurred. If anything a mortal does displeases the gods then a negative sentence will be decided upon after the fact. For example, when the gods decide to create Enkidu because Gilgamesh is terrorizing his own city. The creation of Gilgamesh’s soon-to-be brother has the hidden motive to stop these wrongdoings (Gilogamesh, Table I, 64). However, it was not until after the negative had occurred that the gods decided to do something about it. This is different for Aeneas, whose god’s already know what is ahead for mortals and no other plan is necessary. The gods not only play a significant role with mortals during their life on earth, but they also play a role when it comes to judgment day. Piety and devotion to the gods during a mortal’s life is needed in exchange for a positive afterlife. For Aeneas and the people of his time Virgil creates an afterlife where people are judged according to their virtue during their time on earth. There are many sections of hell, some of which are reserved for those with greater sins. As Aeneas travels he witnesses, â€Å"Rhadamanthus rules; he hears and chastens fraud; all must confess their sins committed on earth and tucked away for atonement† (Virgil, Book 6, 1256). Since people expect this judgment to come after their death it makes the devotion to the gods that much more important when they are alive. The gods have a say in what people do during their lifetime on earth by controlling their fate, and also have control over how people will live their spiritual life by passing judgment when they die. This expectation of judgment day makes the presence of the gods much more significant. In contrast, the idea of the gods having control over a mortal’s afterlife is not present in The Epic of Gilgamesh. The gods do have a great deal of influence on how a person behaves while living by demanding sacrifices, and harshly punishing those who do not conform to their wishes. However, the  people of Gilgamesh’s time were not looking to do good deeds on earth for a better afterlife, but instead they were more focused on leaving a legacy behind them for others to remember them by. For example, Gilgamesh is not worried about having a son to lead when he is gone, but instead is more interested in building a strong wall so that he will always be remembered. He is looking for immortality through means of fame. However, even though the gods do not seem to have a role in the afterlife, they do pass out punishments that are sometimes harsh enough to end a life on earth. For example, after Gilgamesh and Enkidu defeat the Bull of Heaven, Ishtar is extremely angry and demands that Enkidu pays for his actions. The gods argue, â€Å"because they have killed the Bull of Heaven, and because they have killed Humbaba who guarded the Cedar Mountain one of the two must die† (Gilgamesh, Tablet III, 76). This argument and decision to kill either Gilgamesh or Enkidu shows that the gods had no planned destiny for either and that the hero’s actions determine their fate. Had Enkidu not had any hand in these deaths, his life would have held something different. This is opposite of Aeneas’s life, in which he had every step of his journey mapped out, knowing what his final destination would be. The gods have been portrayed in literature since ancient times. However, as time progressed, the responsibility of the gods changed. Throughout Gilgamesh’s time, the gods were only concerned with a mortal’s life on earth. People had as much free will as they could hope for, however any actions that displeased the gods would face repercussions. Later on during Aeneas’s time the gods played a much more intricate role in a mortal’s life not only on earth, but in their afterlife as well. Fates were predetermined, but devotion to the gods was still needed to determine where in the afterlife a person would go. Although a noticeable presence in each hero’s journey, Aeneas and Gilgamesh face extremely different gods.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Middle School vs. High School Essay

One, the closing of one’s grade school years, and the other, a gateway to young adulthood. Middle school and High school, two very important times of a young person’s life, share some similarities and many differences. Middle school, just like its title explains, is the time when students are stuck in the middle of childhood and young adulthood. People start to mature from earlier elementary years, and try to find out who they are. While in the process of trying to fit in, new friend groups are shaped and instead of being one big group of people, circles form and groups are segregated. In addition to more classmates and teachers, responsibilities increase as students take on the load of multiple classes, and now receive grades for their work. Teachers expect them to participate actively in class, and complete their assignments on time. Although it only lasts 3 years, middle school is the critical transitional period when new teachers, new classmates, more classes, and more work are introduced all to prepare you for high school. After 8th grade, people leave the middle school bubble, and advance to the jungle of high school. Not only is the campus physically larger, but class sizes increase, and great expectations come along with it. Although middle school may have seemed like a challenge, high school comes with once again more work and more responsibilities. For students, high school is a sink or swim moment, and some struggle to stay afloat. Some may have trouble focusing in school, but the ideal student is completing their homework on time, studying for their exams, attending practice for their extracurricular activities, and achieving a respectable grade point average, that will all pay off and get them into their dream college. Not only is the work different between the two environments, but so is the amount of freedom students get. In middle school, kids are restrained to a certain curriculum. The schedule they get, is the schedule they get, and nothing is changing. Part of their schedule, lunch, is also a time that is also very different in middle school. All students are required to eat lunch in the same room at the same time, and lunches include a choice between mystery meat, or last week’s hot dogs disguised as soup. Contrary to middle school, in high school, students are granted much more freedom. Students can choose which classes they will take, what teachers they have, what groups or clubs they will participate in, what sports they will play, and much more. Not only can students choose all of their activities, but students also have many options for what they want to eat. High schools often carry popular foods such as subway, burgers, and French fries, and healthy foods such as fruit, and salads. Just in case the school food is not good enough, many high schools often allow upperclassman to leave for lunch to enjoy a meal in their own home, or food from another restaurant. Overall, high school and middle school are both made to prepare students for higher education, but are very different in many aspects. As we all grow older, we can see how we have changed from middle school to high school, and can see the many distinctions between the two.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Analytical Report on Business Organization Essay Example for Free

Analytical Report on Business Organization Essay Diamond  Stars  Group  of  companies      From:      CEO   Myanmar  Imperial  Clinic  (MIC)      Date:      Subject:                                                      04th  April,  2013   Analytical  Report  on  Business  Organization    Executive  Summary   In  early  2009,  Myanmar  Imperial  Clinic  was  set  up  by  Myanmar  Medics  Co. ,  Ltd. Because  of  its   extensive   range   of   medical   services   and   accurate   diagnostic   tests   by   international   recognized   specialists  and  outstanding  clinical  staff,  it  was  famous  and  generated  profits  at  that  time. But  along   with   the   competition   of   high   investing   clinic,   lack   of   control   of   the   specialists   and   insecure   environment   of   the   staff,   the   organiza tion’s   performance   has   declined   in   2012. Therefore   the   reputation  of  the  clinic  gradually  goes  down. So  that  in  2013,  Myanmar  Medics  Co. ,Ltd. was  being   acquisition   by   Diamond   Stars   Group   of   companies   which   is   operating   in   various   industries   in   Myanmar. The  organization  will  be  reformed  by  the  encouragement  of  our  chairman. Profile   Name  Ã‚      Location         –  Myanmar  Imperial  Clinic  (MIC)     Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚  Hledan,  Kamaryut  Township   –  8520  sqft   –  6  stories  building     Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚  40  bedded  general  health  care  centre   ? 166  employees Compound  Size  Ã‚   Building  Ã‚   Type      Size Fifth  Floor Fourth  Floor Third  Floor Second  Floor First  Floor Ground  Floor Building  Information Ground  Floor   –  Reception,  Emergency,  Pharmacy,  Lab,   Cashier First  Floor  Ã‚   –  15  Outpatient  Rooms,  Waiting  Area,   Store Second  Floor  Ã‚   –  1  Operation  Theatre,  1  Labour  Room,   10  Inpatient  Rooms  for  OG Third  Floor  Ã‚   –  20  Inpatient  Rooms  for  Medicine  &   Child Fourth  Floor  Ã‚   –  1  Operation  Theatre,  10  Surgical   Inpatient  Rooms Fifth  Floor   – Clinical  Office    Proposal  for  the  Restructure  of  the  Organization   (1)  Long  Term  Plan/Strategy      Vision:  Ã‚  Ã‚   Being   a   provider   of   health   care   service   renown   for   compassion,   sympathy   and   respect   on   human  being  in  pursuit  of  own  healthy  and  well  being  state  by  applying  high  quality  tools   and   skilful   professional   in   ensuring   long   term   effectiveness,   MIC   stands   for   saving   your   money,  time  and  lives. Mission:   With   knowledge,   skill   and   passion,   we   all   do   value   and   respect   our   patients   and   clients’   desires. We  value  our  patients  as  the  way  we  value  our  professional. We  care  our  patients  as  the  way  we  do  to  our  family. We  practice  our  best  knowledge  in  our  work. Objectives:   To  increases  overall  satisfaction  rates  of  patients,  employees,  doctors  and  visitors. To  ensure  patients  receive  the  ultimate  care  and  medical  attention  to  bring  about  a  speedy   recovery. To  increase  range  of  services  for  customer  needs  and  demands. To  maintain  safe  and  hygienic  environment. To  achieve  99%  of  patient  Ã‚  feedback   To  provide  early  diagnosis  and  affective  treatment  to  all  clients  with  different  diseases. To  be  recognized  our  clinic  as  a  trusted  obstetrical  clinic  within  the  first  three  years. To  expand  our  service  in  diagnostic  and  treatment  year  by  year. To  improve  and  maintain  our  treatment  procedures  and  emergency  services (1. 1) ? (1. 2) ? ? ? ? (1. 3) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 4   (2)Fundamental  Characteristics  of  Organization  Ã‚   (2. 1)  Old  Organization  Structure  versus  New  Organization  Structure   Our  organization  structure  allows  for  its  efficient  management. Here  is  the  l evel  s  of  management   and  the  activities  of  specific  departments  within  each  level. Old  Organization  Structure New  Organization  Structure 5   (2. 2)  Work  Specialization   To  achieve  competency  of  each  and  every  staff,  a  proper  and  distinctive  job  descriptions  is  vital. (2. 2. 1)  Marketing  Department  Ã‚   ? ? ? Survey  the  market  situation  and  changes  Ã‚   Analyse  the  customers’  feedback   Develop  Ã‚  marketing  strategies  and  mix (2. 2. 2)  Finance  Department   ? ? ? Manage  and  oversee  budgeting  Ã‚   Report   income   statement,   statement   of   financial   report   and   statement   of   cash   flow   to   executive  level   Manage  income  and  expenditure. (2. 2. 3)  Administrative  Department   ? ? ? ? Support  and  coordinate  the  operation  of  the  individual  department   Establish  hospital  policies  and  procedures   Perform  Ã‚  public  relations   Supervise   maintenance   service,   information   service,   housekeeping   and   transportation   services (2. 2. 4)  Human  Resources  Department   ? ? ? ? ? Perform  job  analysis,  job  description,  job  specification,  job  allocation  and  j ob  rotation   Recruitment   Training  and  development  Ã‚   Create  safety  and  pleasant  environment  Ã‚   Negotiate  with  the  visiting  specialists   HR  Planning (2. 2. 5)  Medical  Service  Department   ? ? ? ?             For   doctors   ? to   diagnose   problems,   prescribe   medicines,   be   ready   to   on   call,   to   make   regular  rounding  and  monitoring  patients   For  nurses  Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚  to  emphasize  on  nursing  care  Ã‚   For  lab  technicians  ? to  support  with  accurate  diagnosis  and  to  maintain  medical  laboratory  Ã‚   equipment For  Pharmacist  ? to  monitor  the  storage  and  quality  of  drug 6   (2. )  Chain  of  Command   â€Å"An  unbroken  line  of  authority  that  links  all  the  persons  in  an  organization  and  shows  who  reports   to   whom†Ã‚  (Myanmar  Imperial  College  2013,  Pre? Master  Course  of  Business  Administration,  p? 60)   In   a   clinic,   a   proper   and   clarified   chain   of   command   is   the   fundamental   requirement   to   maintain   and  precede  medical  procedures. Within  the  clinical  departments,  all  the  junior  medical  doctors  must  report  information  concerning   with   patient   to   senior   medical   doctors. These   senior   medical   doctors   have   to   report   only   the   necessary  complaints  and  patient’s  conditions  to  the  principal  medical  doctors. Master  Course  of  Business  Administration,  p. 62)   On   the   clinic   side,   the   span   of   management   of   manager   ranges   from   10   to   20   while   the   administrative  side  the  span  of  management  is  less  than  10. Our  organization  require  less  supervision  because  of   ? ? ? Daily  work  procedures  of  medical  staff  are  quite  stable,  routine  and  repetitive  (eg. History   taking  and  clinical  examination  and  monitoring,  injection)   Staffs  are  concentrated  in  single  location  (e. g. If  the  staff  suits  with  his  current  position  and   if  he  does  not  want  to  shift,  we  will  maintain  his  place) Analytical Report on Business Organization. (2018, Nov 04).

Friday, September 27, 2019

One event it had improve my english language Essay

One event it had improve my english language - Essay Example We were a bit relieved to realize that the agents in the airline were from Bahrain and they told me to leave my luggage as I was taking my board to Minneapolis via Chicago which connected to London from Bahrain. This was quite a harrowing experience for a person like my Shalan and I who had limited knowledge of English language and we had great challenge when it came to understanding announcements on shifting from one gate to another as we exchanged flights across the different cities. A few hours after arrival in the airport I heard the departure announcement for my flight in Arabic and hurried to the checkpoint for security check procedure. It here that I realized very few passengers about three or two were speaking Arabic language as the majority was internationals. My worry increased especially when I reached London and realized that only one person with a dark hair, little dark skin in his late of twenties I overheard speaking on the phone was Arabic speaker. I planned to speak to him and seek his help in getting my way out of the Heathrow Airport as we were going to connect to the next stopover. This was after I realized that the person seated next to me was an American after I saw him reading some book written in English. I had earlier in Manama tried to put everything in order and ensure all my documents were intact but I realized that one of my travel documents from London to Chicago was missing. I felt worried and could not settle but didn’t have a way of expressing myself to the English speaking American and so I simply stood and begun to behave in a manner suggesting I had a problem. Even the flight attendant did not understand me until some old man entered the plane with a son and helped in translating my problem from Arabica to the attendant and the American. It is after this that I got a surprising tap on my

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Entrepreneurship - Essay Example 130). In order to successfully develop a new venture, and to keep an existing one going on, there is a requirement to identify viable opportunities. For finding such opportunities a person has to go out of the way in his search and completely focus on a particular market to understand its needs and then meet them. This process of searching for something in the market has to be persistent and consistent. The market needs change continuously and yesterday’s opportunities can be lost. Competition is everywhere; businesses develop to meet the needs of the market and provide new and/or better products which are more in terns with the demand of the market. We cannot prevent this change; it is inevitable and it threatens the existing businesses. If the businesses are not active and are unable to continuously keep up with the new and emerging needs of the market will always fail at one point or the other and this is not the sign of a successful business. This is what the difference is between an entrepreneurship and a business – an entrepreneurship does not fail and keeps coming up with novel ideas to keep up with competition. An entrepreneur is the mastermind behind such a successful business. It is the efforts of an entrepreneur, his creative thinking and his ability to capture every opportunity and make it a success that makes a business an entrepreneurship. Although the market needs keep changing continuously some businesses consider this a pain in the neck and it is difficult for them to keep up with the demand changes. Some others take this as an opportunity and thinking creatively, grab the situation and profit out of it. That is an entrepreneur. The difference between a businessman and an entrepreneur is that the latter finds out the opportunities available and cashes them out. The process of entrepreneurship involves recognising opportunities, gathering the resources and considering the risks while going after profits. In an entrepreneurship oppo rtunities are perceived in places where others would find risks and threats; change is sought and found where everything still seems the same; an under-served market is identified where their needs are not being met completely, while others find only satisfied customers. In order to seize such opportunities a businessman needs to have a deep insight into the market matters. He needs to be able to think creatively and make decisions taking into consideration the pros and cons of the opportunities. He needs to be able to take risks in order to delve into any opportunity. He needs to understand that risks are inevitable and either one can sit in his own bubble and avoid every opportunity wherein he does not see profits, or he can step forward, take risks and make a name. It can be said that successful entrepreneurs have certain traits that do not exist in other common businessmen. These traits are what set them apart from others. The most important being the ability and willingness to take risks, as without that a business cannot expand. They have to have this courage. However, it is difficult to enumerate all such characteristics as it is not necessary that one successful entrepreneur has everything in common with another. Besides, the traits may also vary between the different

Family Counseling Approach Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Family Counseling Approach - Research Paper Example paid closer attention to some of the details and this allowed them to evolve the concept of the family into a more descriptive entity where strong supportive bonds and long-term roles and relationship help people build their lives around (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2013). These relationships may or may not be even by blood or by marriage but the fact that they count in the overall organization of the family makes them essential. The report herein will look at one of the many approaches that were developed as a way of dealing with this context and its point of view delved into to help understand its principles and theorems. This approach is the Bowen family systems approach or the intergenerational approach. Coined by psychiatrist Murray Bowen, this theory views the family as an emotional unit and utilizes the symbolism of a systems’ thinking to describe the intricacy of the interactions therein. As a family, connections are very intense and mostly border on the emotional perspective. Family members are profoundly attached to the other’s thoughts actions and even feelings naturally making it seem like they are one and the same thing. It is at the family level that children grow learning some of the basic attribute such as love, belongingness, need for attention and approval, and the way people react and support each other’s expectations and needs and how the lack of these may affect their growth later on in life (brown, 1999). However, when some of these are lacking, the child may not understand and will grow thinking that they way they are was meant to be. Their interactions create emotional interdependence which is presumed to be a significant factor in the promot ion of cohesiveness and cooperation in the family. It is expected that the family is the only unit that is supposed to provide all the basic requirements such as shelter, clothing and food as well as protection for its members (Guerin et al., 1996). Despite these expectations, any heightened

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Conspicuous consumption Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Conspicuous consumption - Research Paper Example Tastes and preferences were the principal determinants for the purchase of lavish goods. Exceptionally luxurious products that maintained good quality where desired more. Income did not have a bearing on the decision to purchase luxurious goods, as many people were not fascinated by the price of goods. The Chinese middle class engage in conspicuous consumption so that they can maintain a high standing in the society. They are more westernized and stylish thus seeking to be more exceptional than the other Chinese. Recently, China has witnessed a steady annual growth rate of 10%. This rise has propelled China to an economic powerhouse in less than three decades. Because of China’s rise, approximately 500 million people were raised above the poverty line (Frith, 2010). The middle class did not only resort to unfeasible high-end lifestyles but also changed from a saving to a spending culture. Conspicuous consumption is more pronounced in China because it has a relatively high number of young millionaires. Chinese millionaires lie at the age of 39 years being younger than their international peers are. These millionaires consume luxury goods in order to maintain their professional relationships and high social ranks (Dorothea, M2011). Chinese people are known for bragging in society through ownership of luxurious commodities. They greatly value success, wealth, and social status through displaying expensive watches, jewelry and cars to gain respect from the commoners. Chinese ‘little emperors’ are also an important factor contributing to conspicuous consumption of luxurious goods in China. These young consumers are a result of the one child policy that was adopted in the 1970’s. Those born during that period are without siblings therefore being the focus of attention of parents (Dorothea, M2011). They were brought up as spoilt children who got what they wanted, when they wanted it. It is for this

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

OB Reflection Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

OB Reflection Paper - Essay Example This helped to provide the group with a drive and determination that assisted in assuring that all metrics were performed according to schedule. Secondly, another strength that was determined to be evidenced was with regards to the way in which I was able to provide a calming effect with respect to removing stress within the situation. Building upon this is the fact that I was also able to provide a positive first impression which helped to facilitate the forming process within the earliest stages of group development. However, it cannot and should not be stated that only positive aspects of personal dynamics dominated the group formation process. Rather, there were several negative aspects which will herein be discussed. The first of these is the fact that I was very frank and straightforward with my teammates. ... Similarly, the final negative aspect which was noted was with regards to the level and extent to which I would sometimes become too detail oriented and misses the larger picture of the project or process which was being engaged with. Each of these previously discussed factors had both positive and negative impacts upon the way in which work within the group was affected. As a result of my positive drive and ambition, I was oftentimes able to engender a high degree of positive attitude nad trust between my fellow co-workers. However, due to the previously discussed negative aspects, my co-workers were oftentimes not freely able to come to me and discuss their ideas or thoughts due to the fact that they oftentimes viewed me as somewhat inapproachable. In such a way, my strengths were oftentimes nearly or entirely cancelled out by the weaknesses that I exhibited. In such a way, both the strengths and the weaknesses that have been listed not only help me to seek to maximize the positives and minimize the negatives that are so oftentimes represented within the workplace and group dynamic, it also helps to understand to a more full and complete degree the way in which aspects of positive behavior affect and impact upon the negative exhibitions which have been discussed. Whereas each of the positive forms helped to illustrate a way in which group cohesion and goals were affected, the negatives underscored the way in which disunity, fear, and an overall lack of positive action was affected. As a function of analyzing each of these determinants, it has become apparent that the most important aspects that should be corrected are necessarily with regards to the level and extent to which impatience and anger are exhibited within the group dynamic. Although this emotion has its

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Goup Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Goup Communication - Essay Example e individual communication as well as group communication include greeting, having one’s stance on the subject of discussion, respecting others’ views and expressing one’s own without offending others, avoiding unnecessary argumentation and dysfunctional conflicts, and maintaining a balance between listening and speaking. Disagreement over a matter during discussion may lead to conflict. The main way to resolve such conflicts is to conduct a dialogue without using indecent or offensive language. The dialogue may not necessarily lead to a conclusion. In case there is a judge, the matter should be referred to him/her for decision. If there is no third party acting as a judge, it is better to change the topic of discussion. The aforesaid strategies of group communication can best be used with practicing more. For a manager to use these strategies while addressing a group, his/her communication style should be tailored towards the group’s needs (Mitchell, 2012). Effective communication in a group requires use of emotional intelligence. One also has to be a bit articulate to conduct group

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Typical Dreams Essay Example for Free

Typical Dreams Essay Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One way to study dreams is to study their content. This can be done by laboratory studies in which sleepers are awakened during REM sleep and their reports are tape recorded. Subjects can also keep a dream diary in which they write all they can remember about their dreams. These different methods have revealed some interesting facts about the nature of dream content.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What causes you to dream the things you dream? That question cannot be answered as yet (see Rados Cartwright, 1999). Research can point to individual cases where the dream content is obviously related to immediate events in a person’s life, but the reason why a lot of dreams occur is something of a mystery. One explanation of dream content proposes that during REM sleep specific brain neurons are activated, such as those involved in running or laughing or hearing. In an attempt to make sense of this specific neural activation, the brain produces a dream based on a synthesis of the stimulation present. Called the activation-synthesis hypothesis of dreaming, this view does not account for the seemingly random dream content that often occurs, and it is consistent with the neurological changes known to accompany REM sleep (Hobson McCarley, 2001). However, it does not explain the coherence, detail, and purposefulness common to many dreams. Studies of dream content must now recognize that dreamers may alter their content while they are actually dreaming.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   For most people, the content of their dreams is beyond their control. How often have you gone to bed wishing you could dream about a particular someone, or afraid you might dream about an especially distressing subject? Sometimes in dreaming we think ourselves that â€Å"this is a dream.† Yet in the morning if we remember the dream and recall thinking that we knew it was a dream at the time, we find that we still accepted the content as plausible, even if events in the dream would be unlikely or impossible in real life. Some people are able to carry this awareness during dreaming a step further: they claim the ability to know when they dreaming and to actually control some or all of the content of their dreams. This is called lucid dreaming. In the past such claims have attracted little interest from dream researchers because there seemed no way to test these assertions. However, working with the sleep research lab at Stanford University, Stephen LaBerge, a lucid dreamer, was able to demonstrate his special ability. LaBerge told the researchers that during the dreams he would suddenly become aware that he was dreaming and that he could signal the researchers of this awareness by a prearranged pattern of eye movements. They agreed on a mixture of horizontal and vertical eye movements that he would use when he knew he was dreaming. The probability that the particular eye movement pattern would appear by chance was infinitesimally small. During the night the researchers watched the EEG records, and in one of the REM sleep periods, to their excitement and delight, they saw the coded eye movement pattern (La Berge et al., 2001). Other lucid dreamers have since been identified and are being studied.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is known how many people have the ability for lucid dreaming. Surveys based in self-report provide estimates of between 15 and 28%. Laboratory studies of lucid dreaming usually design by asking people if they frequently are aware of their dreams while dreaming. Those who say that they have that ability are tested in the sleep laboratory, and most are able to demonstrate their lucid dreaming ability using some prearranged signal (typically an eye movement code, sometimes a respiration pattern). These studies have found that lucid dreamers are not lucid in all of their dreams; in fact, the majority of their dreams are nonlucid. Many subjects can become aware of their dreaming, but few can manipulate their dream content. Still, some studies have been successful in giving instructions about specific dream content to lucid dreamers and having them dream about those subjects. When lucid dreams occur, they are more likely to be in the longer REM sleep periods toward morning. Researchers hope to discover how lucid dreaming is possible because phenomenon has something interesting implications for our understanding of consciousness. For in essence, the lucid dreamer is partly in one state of consciousness, the dream, and partly in a totally different state of consciousness, the awareness of the dream. A practical application of this research might be an understanding of the process so that many dreamers could learn how to control their dream content (Galvin, 2002). Discussion Why people dream?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Although most dreams do not have overt sexual imagery, Freud nevertheless believed that most adult dreams can be â€Å"traced back by analysis to erotic wishes.† In Freud’s view, a gun, for example, might be a disguised representation of a penis.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Although Freud considered dreams the key to understanding our inner conflicts, his critics say that dream interpretation leads down a blind alley. Some contend that even if dreams are symbolic, they can be interpreted almost any way one wishes. Others maintain there is nothing hidden in dreams. A dream about a gun, they say, is a dream about a gun. Even Freud, who loved to smoke cigars, acknowledges that â€Å"sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Freud’s theory of dreams is giving way to newer theories. One of these sees dreams as information processing: Dreams may help store and remind our day’s experiences. Preceded by stressful experiences, REM sleep rises (Palumbo, 2001). What is more, there is â€Å"consistent and compelling evidence† that REM sleep facilitates memory for unusual or anxiety-arousing material (McGrath Cohen, 1999). In one experiment, people heard unusual phrases before bedtime and then were given a memory test the next morning. If awakened every time they began REM sleep, they remembered less than if awakened during other sleep stages (Empson Clarke, 2000). A night of solid sleep (and dreaming) does, it seems, have a justifiable place in a student’s life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another reason why we dream is because of physiological function. Perhaps dreams give the dead to the world brain with periodic stimulation. Stimulating experiences and develops and preserves the brain’s neural pathways. This theory makes sense from a developmental point of view. Infants, whose neural networks are just developing, spend a great deal of time in REM sleep.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Still other physiological theories propose that dreams occur from neural activity that scatters upward from the brainstem. According to one version, this neural activity is random, (Hobson, 2002). Psychologists Martin Seligman and Amy Yellen (1999) note that the seconds-long bursts of rapid eye movements during REM sleep coincide with bursts of brain activity, people report vivid experiences, usually dramatic hallucinations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Given these visual scenes, our cognitive machinery weaves a story line. Mix in the emotional tone provided by the limbic system (which becomes active during REM sleep) and—voila!—we dream. This helps explain many of our dream experiences, such as the sudden and bizarre changes in scene (triggered by a new visual burst). Dream reports by Seligman’s University of Pennsylvania students confirm that the most vivid dream images are the surprising, discontinuous aspects of the dream; other less vivid images we presumably conjure up to string the visual bursts together.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The function of dreams provokes vigorous debate, but the disputants all agree that we need REM sleep. Deprived of it by repeated awakenings, people return more and more quickly to the REM stage after falling back to sleep. When finally allowed to sleep undisturbed, the literally sleep like babies, with increased REM sleep—a phenomenon called REM rebound. The withdrawal of REM-suppressing sleeping medications also increases REM sleep, but with accompanying nightmares. Most other mammals also experiences REM sleep and REM rebound. Animals’ need for REM sleep suggests that its causes and functions are deeply biological. That REM sleep occurs in mammals (and not in animals such as fish, whose behavior is less influenced by learning) also fits the information-processing theory of dreams. All of which serves to remind us once again of a basic lesson: Biological and psychological explanations of behavior are partners, not competitors. III. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The interpretation or analysis of dreams remains one of the most controversial topics in psychology. A number of disparate views on this subject exist, ranging from the notion that all dreams are interpretable in a psychoanalytic framework to the idea that dream content is essentially randomly generated from the memory stores of the brain and thus meaningless. We adopt a position somewhere in the middle of this controversy, we believe that dreams have meanings and somebody can interpret it. _________________________________________________________________ References: Rados, R., Cartwright, R.D. (1999). Where do dreams come from? A comparison of presleep and REM sleep thematic content. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 91, 433-436. Hobson, J.A. McCarley, R.W. (2001). The brain as a dream state generator: An activation-synthesis hypothesis of the dream process. American Journal of Psychiatry, 134, 1335-1348. La Berge, S. et al., (2001). Lucid dreaming: Physiological correlates of consciousness during REM sleep. Journal of Mind Behavior, 7, 251-258. Galvin, R. M. (2002). Control of Dreams may be possible for a resolute few. Smithsonian, pp. 110-117. Palumbo, S.R.   (2001). Dreaming and memory: A new information-processing model. New York: Basic Books. (p. 157). McGrath, M.J., Cohen, D.G. (1999). REM sleep facilitation of adaptive waking behavior:   A review of the literature. Psychological Bulletin, 85, 24-57. (157). Empson, J.A.C., Clarke, P.R.F. (2000). Rapid eye movements and remembering. Nature, 227, 287-288. (p. 157). Hobson, J.A. (2002). The dreaming brain. New York: Basic Books. (p.158).

Friday, September 20, 2019

Stateless Auto Configuration Addressing With Ipv6 Computer Science Essay

Stateless Auto Configuration Addressing With Ipv6 Computer Science Essay Because of the ever increasing amount of devices that require IP addresses, IPv4 addressing will no longer be enough to provide these devices with an IP address. IPv6 was introduced to solve the problems of the exhaustion of IPv4 addresses by increasing the IP address size from 32b to 128b. This allows for more than enough IP addresses to be given out and is no chance of them ever running out. In this report you will see the different ways in which IPv6 addresses can be assigned to host machines on a network whether it be statically or dynamically. There are benefits and also drawbacks for each method which will be covered in this report. What is IPV6? IPv6 is an internet protocol which was developed to solve the problem of IPv4 address exhaustion. IPv4 uses 32b addressing so that means that it is 2^32 = 4,294,967,296 addresses. This may seem like more than enough IP addresses to provide everyone but in fact is not enough to keep up with the growing demand of IP addresses for the newer technology which requires IP addresses. IPv6 uses 128b addressing 2^128 = 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 addresses. [1] As you can see there are a huge number of IPV6 addresses available which will almost never run out. Because of this it makes it harder for us humans to understand them in binary like in IPv4 so this is why with IPv6 they are changing to use hexadecimal instead of binary. By using hexadecimal it shortens the addresses to allot less than it would be if we kept on using binary but the drawback for this is that many people do not understand hexadecimal as most people havenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t seen it implemented before. Stateless auto configuration The stateless auto configuration is when host machines on a network have the ability to configure themselves with a routable IP address without the need of a DHCP server to assign it an address. The way this is done is that hosts generate a link local address for each interface connected to it but like MAC and IP addresses the link local address must be unique for each host. To make sure that all of the link local addresses are unique the host machines send a neighbour solicitation message containing its possible link local address that it wants to use. If there is a reply then it means that another host has the same address that it wants to use and so must change its possible address and send the neighbour solicitation message again until it gets a unique address it can use on its interface. Once the host has obtained a link local address its next aim is now to gain an IP address. To do this routers constantly send out router advertisements that hosts on the network listen out for and once the host receives an advertisement it then gains the network information to give its self an IP address to access the network. Advantages of stateless auto configuration are that there is almost no configuration for the client to do when it the computer tries to gain an IP address. All the client needs to do is wait on the machine getting an IP address from the information gained from the router and that is all that is required to get up and running. Another benefit of stateless auto configuration is that it does not need a DHCP server in order for hosts to gain IP addresses and even if it needs to get other information later on it can then contact a DHCP server to get other information such as DNS server addresses. A disadvantage of this method is that it doesnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t get the entire network configuration that it may need to be fully functional on the network. Instead it uses DHCPv6 when it has enough configuration to get reach the DHCPv6 server to get the rest of the configuration. This is not good as it would be more efficient to get all of the needed configuration by using stateless auto configuration. [2] Stateful auto configuration Stateful auto configuration is similar to DHCP in the way that IP addresses are given out to hosts on a network by using a server. Even though with IPv6 and its massive amounts of IP`s it is still a good idea to use a server to manage IP`s for companies to control and easily maintain what computers from each room or department are connected to the router. It also allows you to easily change the configuration of the network if needed from a central point in the network, this case being the DHCPv6 server and change settings such as the DNS server and the range of addresses to provide to hosts and this will also update to the clients when they are due to renew their lease. Stateful auto configuration is used when there is no router on the link that is advertising router advertisements to provide the information to give its self an IP address. Instead it goes to a DHCP server that issues the host with all of the required configuration to get access to the network. A disadvantage of stateful auto configuration is that it needs a DHCPv6 server in order to get an IP address and if the DHCPv6 server goes down then there is no way for hosts to get network configurations unless there is a router on the link that is advertising router advertisements. But in the worst case scenario when their being no router available then there is no way for hosts to get assigned an IP address. DHCPv6 DHCPv6 is the protocol that has been developed to work with IPv6. It allows for hosts on a network to gain an IP address and other settings like DNS and default gateway from the DHCPv6 server by using statefull DHCP. The hosts make contact to the DHCP server by using multicasts and also using the UDP protocol. Below is information on the different messages that are exchanged between the host and the DHCP server in order for the host to gain a valid IPv6 address and get access to network resources with the address given to the host. Solicit This is when the client first makes contact with the DHCP server. Advertise This is when the DHCP server sends an advertise message saying that it is available to assign IP addresses to the client. Request The client machine now sends a request message to the server requesting an IP address and other information such as DNS, Default gateway. Confirm The client now sends a confirm message asking if the information is still valid since the IP address was given out. Renew This is when the clients DHCP lease time is running out and needs to be extended or given out a new IP address. With DHCP is it most likely during a renew process that the IP address will be extended to the client. Rebind This is similar to the renew message but with the rebind message the client contacts the server to increase its lease time but is also able to update any changes to other network configuration such as the DNS servers without changing its IP address Reply This is when the server sends a reply message with network configuration information in response to a solicit, request, renew and rebind messages received from the client before. The server then sends another reply message to confirm that the configuration that the client has received is appropriate for that network the client is connected to. Release The release message is used to indicate to the DHCP server that the client will no longer use the IP address and that the IP address the client had can go back into the address pool for another client to use. Decline The decline message is sent from the client to tell the DHCP server that the IP address given out from the server has already been assigned to another host on the network. Reconfigure This message is sent from the DHCP server to inform the client that there is new configuration on the network and the client must then send a renew and reply message in order to receive the updated information. [3] Conclusion IPv6 is a vast improvement on the previous IPv4 protocol with the ability to provide almost unlimited IP addresses to hosts. The two ways in which hosts can gain an IP address are both adequate ways to distribute IP addresses but there are disadvantages with both stateful and stateless auto configuration. Because stateless requires that there must be a router that is advertising router adverts then it means that if there is no router then of course also means it cannot gain its IP address by using stateless configuration. Another disadvantage of this is that the router advertisements do not provide the hosts with all of the network configuration that it may need and then the host has to go to a DHCPv6 server using stateful configuration to get the rest of the configuration. There are also disadvantages for stateful addressing too in that if there is no DHCP server available then it cannot issue IP addresses to hosts. But out of the two auto configurations I would choose stateful to be the best method of issuing IP addresses because it allows for a remote server to distribute address and you can easily change the network settings on the DHCP server and it will also update the clients on the network. It also allows for more control on who gets what range of IP addresses and lets you easily manage IP`s to be issued to certain departments or rooms in a company so you can monitor the machines more easily.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Saint John Bosco :: essays research papers fc

John Bosco was born in Turin, Italy, on August 16, 1815. His parents were poor farmers, but his father died when he was two years old, but John was too young to know what happened, and it forced his mother, Margaret, to raise him along with 3 other children and taught them the importance of their faith. It was very hard for his mother so John went out and got a few little jobs to help his mother. He had many jobs like a carpenter, shoe-maker, a cook, a pastry maker, and a farmer. While growing up John wanted to become a priest. One night when John was a boy he had a dream that he led young boys; and when he awoke he realized his life's work was to help poor boys. Bosco also had many other dreams along with many others that directed him to help homeless boys. Bosco when he was young went to fairs and carnivals, and learned and mastered them when he got home and then kept the young people in his village occupied by doing magic tricks and acrobatic moves, and only ask prayers for paymen t. Also, he would speak to children about God, and even some adults occasionally. The seminary school that Bosco entered was Chieri at the age of 16. Father Cafasso helped John through seminary school because he could not afford it, neither could his mother help him pay for it. John became a priest in 1841 at the age of 26, and was named Don Bosco, which means Father Bosco. After Sunday Mass's he would have a catechism class which would teach young people about God. After a while the catechism class turned into a school were boys could receive a real education, not just a religion class. He was appointed chaplain of St. Philomena's Hospice for girls. John did not really like his job so he resigned and opened a house for boys, where he helped boys that he saw on the streets, and brought them to the house where he fed them, clothed them, and sheltered them. Then he started his own religious order of 17 priests and brothers, they were called the Salesians in 1859, after St. Francis de Sales. He then setup residences and schools to teach boys grammar and religion, and train them as shoemakers, tailors, and printers. By 1856, he had 150 boys and girls in residence and nearly 500 more in oratories throughout Turin.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Loons :: essays research papers

"The Loons" Piquette Tonnerre was daughter of Lazarus. She had long black hair and her broad coarse-featured face bore on expression Piqutte was thirteen years old. She was older than Vanessa, but they were together in the same grade. Piquette failed several grades, because her attendance had always been sporadic and her interest in schoolwork was negligible. She missed a lot of school because she had tuberculosis of the bone, and had once spent months in hospital Piquette's voice was hoarse and she was limping when she was walking. She wore grimy cotton dresses that were always miles too long. Jules Tonnerre built a small square cabin which was made of poplar poles and chinked with mud. He Built it about fifty years before, when he came back from Batoche with a bullet in his thigh. Jules had only intended to stay the winter in the Wachakwa Valley. The cottage on Diamond Lake had a sign on the roadway bore in austere letters name MacLead. It was a large cottage; it was on the lakefront. Everything around the cottage were ferns, and sharp-branched raspberry bushes, and moss that had grown over fallen tree trunks. Above the backdoor there was the broad moose antlers that hung there. Vanessa loved the summer at Diamond Lake because she loved to listen to the loons all night. She also loved because she would go swimming in the lake. Vanessa also loved to go there because she could spent more time with her father. For example; they would go at night to the lake to listen to the loons carefully because some day they can just disappear. She also loved it because she got to see her best friend Marvis. Piquette wasn't actually interested in the surrounding and the loons or the lake. Most of her time she spent on the cottage with Beth helping to do the dishes or with Roddie. Every time when Vanessa asked her about the nanter she sounded like she didn't care about it or she didn't that she didn't know anything about nature. Piquette reacted this way because she never used to go places like Diamond's Lake. She always had to do all the work at home; for example, she had to clean. Vanessa Piquette four years later, one Saturday night when Mavis and her were having Cokes in the Regal Cafe. Piquette was seventeen but Vanessa thought she looked like twenty.

Planets and Solar System Essay -- Science Astronomy Astronomical Essay

Planets and Solar System "A planet is a celestial body that revolves around a central star and does not shine by its own light " (Grolier, 1992). The only planetary system that is known to man is our solar system. It is made up of nine planets which range in size and make-up. The nine major planets in our solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. There are also many other minor planets which are also in our solar system, but they are unimportant compared to the nine major planets. In this paper I will discuss the planets and how they are each unique. Mercury which is the planet that is closest to the sun is the first planet I will discuss. Mercury is the smallest of the inner planets. It is speculated that the heat from the sun made it impossible for the gases present to become part of the planetary formation. The surface of Mercury is extremely hot. It is approximately 470 degrees celsius on the surface and is thought to be even hotter at the two " hot spots." These " hot spots " are on opposite ends of the equator. It is the heat of the surface that makes it impossible for Mercury to have any type of atmosphere. Mercury orbits the sun once every 88 days and has a true rotation period of 58.6 days. " It is the closest planet to the sun and therefore orbits faster than any other planet " (Thompson/Turk, 542, 1993). It is said that Mercury rotates three times for every two trips around the sun, so that during every alternate perihelon passage the same face points directly at the sun. " Geologically, the most remarkable features of Mercury are compressional cliffs or faults, just the sort of wrinkles that might form in the crust if the interior of the planet shrank slightly " (Morrison, 74, 1993). It is speculated that it was the solidification of Mercury's metallic core that caused this global shrinkage. Mercury is also " . . . enriched in metal or depleted of rock " (Morrison, 74, 1993). It is also believed that some of the inner core of Mercury is still in a fluid state. Scientists also believe that Mercury's surface is made partially of silicate rock. The best way to describe Mercury is, " . . . small, heavily cratered and airless " (Morrison, 71, 1993). Venus is the second closest planet to the sun and is said to " . . . most closely resemble Earth in size, density, and... ...n see the planets of most importance are the ones closest to the sun and Earth. Little is known about the far off planets therefore it is hard to give them full recognition. Much is known about Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The other three planets are not as well known as these six are. Whether more planetary systems exist doesn't really matter. There are still plenty of things we don't understand about our own solar system. Scientists will have their work cut out for them in the future. Each and every planet has distinct differences and that helps show us how truly great God is. The planets will never fully be understood and will always be a great topic of discussion. Works Sited Cattermole, P. (1995). Earth and Other Planets. New York: Oxford University Press. Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc. (1992). Hunt, G. & Moore, P. (1983). Atlas of the Solar System. Chicago: Rand Mc Nally & Company. Morrison, D. (1993). Exploring Planetary Worlds. New York: Scientific American Library. Thompson, G. & Turk, J. (1993). Earth Science and the Environment. New York: Saunders College Publishing & Harcourt Brace College Publishers.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Freshman Fifteen English Paper

First Draft The Future of America: Freshmen 15 Crisis As obesity rates continue to rise worldwide, the U. S. sets an example of culturally influenced weight problems and therefore ranks ninth out the ten of the fattest countries, according to the World Health Organization (Streib). College campuses in the U. S. are the perfect example of cultural weight gain. At Towson University, the large number of freshman gaining the stereotypical â€Å"freshman 15† can be explained by poor eating and exercising habits developed in college and the university's dining options. A lot of incoming students come into college already aware of what the freshman 15 is but still manage to develop horrid eating habits. A great way to help solve such an issue is to inform students about this health issue that is only continuing to flourish. To do this universities need to step of to this nationwide concern and include a health and wellness component to our Univ. 100 classes in which students will learn what they should eat and what habits to avoid. Despite what some optimistic researchers say, the freshman 15 is real. Some have argued that most freshmen are doing better with their diet now than in the past; however we are still gaining around eight pounds a year (â€Å"Some†). It is difficult to go from a controlled and routine schedule of eating and exercising at home to the free world of choices at college. In his recent work Daniel Hoffman, a professor at Rutgers University, points out that it is â€Å"perhaps most important for students to recognize that seemingly minor and perhaps even harmless changes in eating or exercise behavior may result in large changes in weight and body fat mass over an extended period of time† (Hoffman). The fact is that students are not leaving home prepared enough for the world of late night pizza and consumption of alcohol that characterizes most students’ college years. If a nutrition lecture or a healthy lifestyle class were mandatory for incoming students it would provide a new perspective on diet and health. After becoming notified on the issue students can find their own routine of a well balanced diet and an hour of exercise per day at school. If students were informed they could start researching nutritional facts on what food they should eat and what time of the day would best to consume it. Professor Elizabeth Klasen from the University of Wisconsin insists this national phenomenon can be â€Å"attributed to dorm food, and may be associated with altered meal and sleep patterns† (Klasen). Students are forced upon sleeping abnormal hours along with eating unhealthy food consumption at inappropriate times, making it difficult to for them to eat fewer than 2000 calories or even exercise the recommended 15 minutes a day. It is difficult to maintain a healthy balanced diet on a college campus that is filled with fast food like diners and limits students to only fifteen dollars of food a day, making the alternative of more expensive and healthier foods not an realistic option. This inconvenience of healthy food and convenience of junk food was â€Å"all it took for freshmen to gain seven pounds over two semesters† in a 2006 Rutgers study (â€Å"Some†). For those students, the difference between maintaining a healthy weight and gaining seven pounds â€Å"was about 112 extra calories a day. That's one soda or half a cookie a day, or 10 minutes less of exercise† (â€Å"Some†). For instance, to get a healthy meal at one of Towson’s diners, let’s say a pre-made salad, you have to pay six dollars and wait in a mile-long line. Then, as you are standing in that line you look over and see a non-existent line for that slice of pizza and start to think to yourself, Why should I pay three times more for this salad and wait in line for 15 minutes when I only have 20 minutes until my next class, when I could go grab that last piece of pizza? Unfortunately, college presents even more opportunities for students to eat poorly, since most students stay up late to study, do last-minute homework after procrastinating all day, or hang out with friends after a party. Whether or not college students are aware of what they are doing to their bodies, researchers know that the â€Å"food eaten between 8 p. m. and 4 a. m. [is] a leading contributor to weight gain,† making the most active part of a college student’s day the most detrimental to his health (â€Å"Some†). One study from the University of Wisconsin attempts to explain this phenomenon through â€Å"Night Eating Syndrome (NES), which is associated with overweight and obesity and involves consumption of over 50% of daily calories after 7 pm† (Klasen). What’s surprising is how easy it is to get food that late at night. Specifically, Campusfood. com, a common college food supplier, gives options for students to order 1000-calorie meals delivered conveniently to their dorm steps at 2:00 a. m. The number of fast-food delivery places that open at such a late time is absurd; these restaurants are helping America gain the freshman 15 one pizza at a time. During the first semester of their freshman year in college, students will be preoccupied with many things, like which classes they will take, how well they will do in those classes, which activities they want to devote their time to, which people they want to hang with, and whether or not they will have enough money to do fun things off campus (Gonzalez). People who believe that college weight gain is a natural occurrence argue that students need to focus on more important aspects of school such as their grades, making friends, and getting involved in clubs, rather than spending time worrying about an unproven stereotype of weight gain. However, the fact that students are gaining weight is proven. As the aforementioned studies show, the freshman 15 is real, and it is affecting the lives of college freshman across the country. Freshmen are gaining weight because of eating habits they develop during the first semester. Poor food options do increase the chances of gaining weight. Freshmen do gain weight because of the convenience and availability of unhealthy food on campuses. It is true that students should concentrate on grades and other college activities however this is not an excuse to pig out and throw health concerns out the window. Missouri Western State University did a study that showed â€Å"higher GPA was associated with less consumption of fast food and higher GPA was also associated with the amount of meals an individual skipped per day: the fewer meals skipped the greater the GPA† (Costa). Apparently students’ grades are affected by what they eat. The belief that students should not worry about the â€Å"freshman 15† because they should worry about their grades is incorrect. If students concentrate on eating well their grades will reflect their good habits. The â€Å"freshman 15† is a phrase that represents a bigger dilemma, because is not just something that takes place during the first year in college. It’s not just freshman gaining weight, sophomores and upper classmen do to. Researcher Elizabeth Lloyd-Richardson, assistant professor of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown University Medical School did a study that â€Å"found students are weighing in at two to three pounds heavier post-sophomore year† (Rosenberg). Bad eating habits and lack of exercise start with freshmen. But since nothing is done to correct those habits students continue through the rest of their college years and after. Fitness Director Stacy Trukowski is cited by Rutgers University’s newspaper, Relations, saying, â€Å"Most people fail to gain control of their weight gain from early adulthood. Although gaining an average of seven pounds is not as alarming as 15, the pounds will surely add up over time† (Rosenberg). Unfortunately college students see weight gain from the time they enter school to the time they leave. Trukowski credits this to â€Å"drinking and eating at night and lifestyle changes they are not used to† (Rosenberg). With this evidence of continuous lifelong weight gain resulting from habits developed in college, it is surprising that colleges are not doing anything to prevent this issue. This problem may be related to rising obesity rates in America. Professor Levitisky from the college of human ecology at Cornell University found that â€Å"freshman weight gain could be the same phenomenon that is contributing to the epidemic of obesity among all Americans–that a relatively small increase in calories each day or week has the cumulative effect of adding a significant amount of weight over the years†(Land). Professor Levitisky’s study puts into perspective how important freshman weight gain is. Eating habits learned as freshmen stick with them and are harder to change as years go by. Universities need to confront this issue and take precautionary measures to help prevent future concerns. A course for incoming freshman to learn about the â€Å"freshman 15† and how to avoid it would be a great first step. Long Island University’s freshman College 101 course sets a good example of what could be used at Towson University. The course had a great proposal to teach students by having nutrition communication students present information about freshmen weight gain in a mandatory orientation class (Thomas). Since Towson University already has freshman Health 101 lecture classes, the class should dedicate at least one day in the semester to diet and exercise education. This way teacher could reduce the number of freshman gaining weight during the first semester. A Univ. 101 health and wellness component lecture would teach students how to develop healthy eating habits that would then help them for the rest of their lives. For example, they would learn what foods to avoid and what time they should avoid eating. There could be seminars in which juniors and seniors majoring in nutrition come in and talk about available foods on campus and nutritional facts along with what a good college campus diet looks like and how it can be achieved. In this class students would also develop a weekly health plan. This health plan would be incorporated into a personal log in which students would record how have exercised that week and how many times they ate late at night. This would help students analyze their bodies and realize what a simple lifestyle change could do. Studies like ones done University of California at Berkley show students who record their eating habits are more likely to witness their mistakes and correct them (Hom). The overall goal for this class is for freshmen to stop picking up bad habits during their first semester and stick with their good habits for the rest of their lives. The freshman 15 is an issue that needs to be taken care through an education system that teaches healthy diet and exercise options. Learning about proper eating habits will stop students from initially gaining weight in college and help prevent future obesity problems. If colleges implement programs to help solve this dilemma then it might be possible to help reduce America’s growing obesity concerns.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Return: Nightfall Chapter 15

Matt nodded, but he was blushing to the fair roots of his hair. â€Å"Tami†¦pressed herself against me.† There was a long pause. Meredith said levelly, â€Å"Matt, do you mean she hugged you? Like a biiiiiig hug? Or that she†¦Ã¢â‚¬  She stopped, because Matt was already shaking his head vehemently. â€Å"It was no innocent biiiiiig hug. We were alone, in the doorway there, and she just†¦well, I couldn't believe it. She's only fifteen, but she acted like an adult woman. I mean†¦not that I've ever had an adult woman dothat to me.† Looking embarrassed but relieved at having got this off his chest, Matt's gaze went from face to face. â€Å"So what do you think? Was it just a coincidence that Caroline was there? Or did she†¦say something to Tamra?† â€Å"No coincidence,† Elena said simply. â€Å"It'd be toomuch of a coincidence: Caroline coming on to you and then Tamra acting like that. I know – I used to know Tami Bryce. She's a nice little girl – or she used to be.† â€Å"She still is,† Meredith said. â€Å"I told you, I went out with Jim a few times. She's a very nice girl, and not at all mature for her age. I don't think she would normally do anything inappropriate, unless†¦Ã¢â‚¬  She stopped, looking into the middle distance, and then shrugged without finishing her sentence. Bonnie looked serious now. â€Å"But we have to stop this,† she said. â€Å"What if she does that to some guy who's not nice and shy like Matt? She's going to get herself assaulted!† â€Å"That's the whole problem,† Matt said, turning red again. â€Å"I mean, it's pretty difficult†¦. If she had been some other girl, that I was going on a date with – not that I go out with other girls on dates†¦Ã¢â‚¬  he added hastily, glancing at Elena. â€Å"But youshould be going out on dates,† Elena said firmly. â€Å"Matt, I don't want eternal fidelity from you – there's nothing I'd like better than to see you dating a nice girl.† As if by accident, her gaze wandered over to Bonnie, who was now trying to crunch celery very quietly and neatly. â€Å"Stefan, you're the only one who can tell us what to do,† Elena said, turning to him. Stefan was frowning. â€Å"I don't know. With only two girls, it's pretty hard to draw any conclusions.† â€Å"So we're going to wait and see what Caroline – or Tami – does next?† Meredith asked. â€Å"Not just wait,† Stefan said. â€Å"We've got to find out more about it. You guys can keep an eye on Caroline and Tamra Bryce, and I can do some research on it.† â€Å"Damn!† Elena said, hitting the ground with one fist. â€Å"I can almost – † She stopped suddenly and looked at her friends. Bonnie had dropped her celery, gasping, and Matt had choked on his Coke, going into a coughing fit. Even Meredith and Stefan were staring at her. â€Å"What?† she said blankly. Meredith recovered first. â€Å"It's just that yesterday you were – well, very young angels don't swear.† â€Å"Just because I died a couple of times, it means I have to say ;;darn' for the rest of my life?† Elena shook her head. â€Å"Not. I'm me and I'm going to stay me – whoever I am.† â€Å"Good,† said Stefan, leaning over to kiss the top of her head. Matt looked away and Elena gave Stefan an almost dismissive pat, but thinking,I love you forever , and knowing that he would pick it up even if she couldn't hear his thought in return. In fact she found shecould pick up his general response to it, a warm rose color seemed to hang around him. Was this what Bonnie saw and called an aura? She realized that most of the day she'd seen him with a light, cool, emerald sort of shadowing around him – if shadows could be light. And the green was returning now as the pink faded away. Immediately she glanced over the rest of the picnickers. Bonnie was surrounded by a roselike color, shading to the palest of pinks. Meredith was a deep and profound violet. Matt was a strong clear blue. It reminded her that up until yesterday – only yesterday? – she'd seen so many things that no one else could see. Including something that had scared her silly. What had itbeen ? She was getting flashes of images – little details that were scary enough by themselves. It could be as small as a fingernail or as large as an arm. Bark-like texture, at least on the body. Insect-like antennae, but far too many of them, and moving like whips, faster than any insect ever moved them. She had the general crawly feeling she got whenever she thought about insects. It was a bug, then. But a bug built on a different body plan than any insect she knew of. It was more like a leech in that respect, or a squid. It had a completely circular mouth, with sharp teeth all around, and far too many tentacles that looked like thick vines whipping around in back. It could attach itself to a person, she thought. But she had a terrible feeling that it could do more. It could turn transparent and pull itself inside you and you would feel no more than a pinprick. Andthen what would happen? Elena turned to Bonnie. â€Å"Do you think that if I show you what something looks like, you could recognize it again? Not with your eyes, but with your psychic senses?† â€Å"I guess it depends on what the  ¡Ã‚ ®something' is,† Bonnie answered cautiously. Elena glanced over at Stefan, who gave her briefest of nods. â€Å"Then shut your eyes,† she said. Bonnie did so, and Elena put her fingertips on Bonnie's temples, with her thumbs gently brushing Bonnie's eyelashes. Trying to activate her White Powers – something that had been so easy before today – was like striking two rocks together to make a fire and hoping one was flint. Finally she felt a small spark, and Bonnie jerked backward. Bonnie's eyes snapped open.†What was that?† she gasped. She was breathing hard. â€Å"That's what I saw – yesterday.† â€Å"Where?† Elena said slowly, â€Å"Inside Damon.† â€Å"But what does it mean? Was he controlling it? Or†¦or†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Bonnie stopped and her eyes widened. Elena finished the sentence for her. â€Å"Was it controlling him? I don't know. But here's one thing I do know, almost for certain. When he ignored your Calling, Bonnie, he was being influenced by the malach.† â€Å"The question is,if not Damon , who was controlling it?† Stefan said, standing up again restlessly. â€Å"I picked that up, and the kind of creature Elena showed you – it's not something with a mind of its own. It needs an outside brain to control it.† â€Å"Like another vampire?† Meredith asked quietly. Stefan shrugged. â€Å"Vampires usually just ignore them, because vampires can get what they want without them. It would have to be a very strong mind to get a malach like that to possess a vampire. Strong – and evil.† â€Å"Those,† Damon said with biting grammatical precision, from where he was sitting on a high limb of an oak, â€Å"are they. My younger brother and his†¦associates.† â€Å"Marvelous,† murmured Shinichi. He had draped himself even more gracefully and languidly against the oak than Damon had. It had become an unspoken contest. Shinichi's golden eyes had flared once or twice – Damon had seen it – upon seeing Elena and at the mention of Tami. â€Å"Don't even try to tell me you're not involved with those rowdy girls,† Damon added dryly. â€Å"From Caroline to Tamra and onward, that's the idea, isn't it?† Shinichi shook his head. His eyes were on Elena and he began to sing a folksong softly. â€Å"With cheeks like blooming roses And hair like golden wheat†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"I wouldn't try it onthose girls.† Damon smiled without humor. His eyes were narrow. â€Å"Granted, they look about as strong as wet tissue paper – but they're tougher than you'd think, and they're toughest of all when one of them is in danger.† â€Å"I told you, it's not me doing it,† Shinichi said. He looked uneasy for the first time since Damon had seen him. Then he said, â€Å"Although I might know the originator.† â€Å"Do tell,† Damon suggested, still narrow-eyed. â€Å"Well – did I mention my younger twin? Her name is Misao.† He smiled winningly. â€Å"It means maiden.† Damon felt an automatic stirring of appetite. He ignored it. He was too relaxed to think of hunting, and he wasn't at all sure thatkitsune – fox-spirits, which Shinichi claimed to be – could be hunted. â€Å"No, you didn't mention her,† Damon said, absently scratching at the back of his neck. That mosquito bite was gone, but it had left behind a furious itching. â€Å"It must have somehow slipped your mind.† â€Å"Well, she's here somewhere. She came when I did, when we saw the flare of Power that brought back†¦Elena.† Damon felt sure that the hesitation before the mention of Elena's name was a fake. He tilted his head at thedon't think you're fooling me angle and waited. â€Å"Misao likes to play games,† Shinichi said simply. â€Å"Oh, yes? Like backgammon, chess, Go Fish, that sort of thing?† Shinichi coughed theatrically, but Damon caught the glint of red in his eye. My, he reallywas overprotective of her, wasn't he? Damon gave Shinichi one of his most incandescent smiles. â€Å"I love her,† the young man with the black hair licked by fire said, and this time there was an open warning in his voice. â€Å"Of course you do,† Damon said in soothing tones. â€Å"I can see that.† â€Å"But, well, her games usually have the effect of destroying a town. Eventually. Not all at once.† Damon shrugged. â€Å"This flyspeck of a village isn't going to be missed. Of course, I get my girls out alive first.† Now it was his voice that held an open warning. â€Å"Just as you like.† Shinichi was back to his normal, submissive self. â€Å"We're allies, and we'll keep to our deal. Anyway, it would be a shame to waste†¦all that.† His gaze drifted to Elena again. â€Å"By the way, we won't even discuss the little fiasco with your malach and me – or hers, if you insist. I'm pretty sure I've vaporized at least three of them, but if I see another one, our business relationship is over. I make a bad enemy, Shinichi. You don't want to find out how bad.† Shinichi looked suitably impressed as he nodded. But the next moment he was gazing at Elena again, and singing. â€Å"†¦hair like golden wheat all a-down her milk-white shoulders; My pretty pink, my sweet†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"And I'll want to meet this Misao of yours. For her protection.† â€Å"And I know she wants to meet you. She's caught up in her game at the moment, but I'll try to tear her away from it.† Shinichi stretched luxuriously. Damon looked at him for a moment. Then, absent-mindedly, he too stretched. Shinichi was watching him. He smiled. Damon wondered about that smile. He had noticed that when Shinichi smiled, two little flames of crimson could be seen in his eyes. But he was really too tired to think about it right now. Simply too relaxed. In fact he suddenly felt very sleepy†¦. â€Å"So we're going to be looking for these malach things in girls like Tami?† Bonnie asked. â€Å"Exactly like Tami,† said Elena. â€Å"And you think,† Meredith said, watching Elena closely, â€Å"that Tami got it somehow from Caroline.† â€Å"Yes. I know, I know – the question is: where did Caroline get it from? And that Idon't know. But, again, we don't know what happened to her when she was kidnapped by Klaus and Tyler Smallwood. We don't know anything about what she's been doing for the last week – except that it's clear she never really stopped hating us.† Matt held his head in his hands. â€Å"And then what are we going todo? I feel as if I'm responsible somehow.† â€Å"No – Jimmy's responsible, if anyone is. If he – you know, let Caroline spend the night – and then let her talk about it with his fifteen-year-old sister†¦. Well, it doesn't make himguilty , but he sure could have been a little more subtle,† Stefan said. â€Å"And that's whereyou're wrong,† Meredith told him. â€Å"Matt and Bonnie and Elena and I have known Caroline forages andwe know what she's capable of . If anyone qualifies as their sister's keeper – it's us. And I think we're in serious delinquency of duty. I vote we stop by her house.† â€Å"So do I,† Bonnie said sadly, â€Å"but I'm not looking forward to it. Besides, what if shedoesn't have one of those malach things in her?† â€Å"That's where the research comes in,† Elena said. â€Å"We need to find out who's behind it all. Someone strong enough to influence Damon.† â€Å"Wonderful,† Meredith said, looking grim. â€Å"And given the power of the ley lines, we only have every single person in Fell's Church to choose from.† Fifty yards west and thirty feet straight up, Damon was struggling to keep awake. Shinichi reached up to brush fine hair the color of night and flames licking upward off his forehead. Under his lowered lids he was watching Damon intently. Damon meant to be watching him as intently, but he was simply too drowsy. Slowly, he imitated Shinichi's motion, brushing a very few strands of silky black hair off his own forehead. His lids drooped inadvertently, just a little more than before. Shinichi was still smiling at him. â€Å"So we have our deal,† he murmured. â€Å"We get the town, Misao and I, and you don't stand in our way. We get the rights to the power of the ley lines. You get your girls safely out†¦and you get your revenge.† â€Å"Against my sanctimonious brother and that†¦that Mutt!† â€Å"Matt.† Shinichi had sharp ears. â€Å"Whatever. I just won't have Elena hurt, is all. Or the little red-headed witch.† â€Å"Ah, yes, sweet Bonnie. I wouldn't mind one or two like her. One for Samhain and one for the Solstice.† Damon snorted drowsily. â€Å"There aren't two like her; I don't care where you look. I won't have her hurt either.† â€Å"And what about the tall, dark-haired beauty†¦Meredith?† Damon woke up.†Where?† â€Å"Don't worry; she's not coming to get you,† Shinichi said soothingly. â€Å"What do you wantdone with her?† â€Å"Oh.† Damon lounged back again in relief, easing his shoulders. â€Å"Let her go her own way – as long as it's far away from mine.† Shinichi seemed to deliberately relax back against his branch. â€Å"Your brother will be no problem. So it's really just that other boy down there,† he murmured. He had a very insinuating murmur. â€Å"Yes. But my brother – † Damon was almost asleep now, in the exact position that Shinichi had taken. â€Å"I told you, he'll be taken care of.† â€Å"Mm. I mean, good.† â€Å"So we have a deal?† â€Å"Mm-hmm.† â€Å"Yes?† â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"We have a deal.† This time, Damon didn't respond. He was dreaming. He dreamed that Shinichi's angelic golden eyes snapped open suddenly to look at him. â€Å"Damon.† He heard his name, but in his dream it was too much trouble to open his eyes. He could see without opening them, anyway. In his dream, Shinichi leaned over him, hovering directly over his face, so that their auras mixed and they would have shared breath if Damon had been breathing. Shinichi stayed that way a long time, as if he were testing Damon's aura, but Damon knew that to an outsider he would appear to be out on all channels and frequencies. Still, in his dream Shinichi hung over him, as if he were trying to memorize the crescent of dark lashes on Damon's pale cheek or the subtle curve of Damon's mouth. Finally, the dream-Shinichi put his hand under Damon's head and stroked the spot where the mosquito bite had itched. â€Å"Oh, growing up to be a fine big lad, aren't you?† he said to something Damon couldn't see – to somethinginside him. â€Å"You could almost take full control against his own strong will, couldn't you?† Shinichi sat for a moment, as if watching a cherry blossom fall, then shut his eyes. â€Å"I think,† he whispered, â€Å"that that's what we'll try, not too long from now. Soon. Very soon. But first, we have to gain his trust; get rid of his rival. Keep him blurred, angry, vain, off balance. Keep him thinking of Stefan, of his hatred for Stefan, who took his angel, whileI take care of what needs to be done here.† Then he spoke directly to Damon. â€Å"Allies, indeed!† He laughed. â€Å"Not while I can put my finger on your very soul. Here. Do you feel it? What I could make you do†¦Ã¢â‚¬  And then again he seemed to address whatever creature was already inside Damon: â€Å"But right now†¦a little feast to help you grow up much faster and get much stronger.† In the dream, Shinichi made a gesture, and lay back, encouraging previously invisible malach to come up the trees. They slunk up and slid up the back of Damon's neck. And then, hideously, they slipped inside him, one by one, through some cut he hadn't known he had. The feeling of their soft, flabby, jellyfish-like bodies was almost unbearable†¦slipping inside of him†¦. Shinichi sang softly. â€Å"Oh, come a' tae me, ye fair pretty maidens Haste ye lassies tae my bosom Come tae me by sunlight or moonlight While the roses still are in blossom†¦Ã¢â‚¬  In his dream, Damon was angry. Not because of the nonsense about malach inside him. That was ludicrous. He was angry because he knew that the dream-Shinichi was watching Elena as she began to pack up the remains of the picnic. He was watching every motion she made with an obsessive closeness. â€Å"They blossom ever where you tread †¦Wild roses bloody red.† â€Å"Extraordinary girl, your Elena,† the dream-Shinichi added. â€Å"If she lives, I think she'll be mine for a night or so.† He stroked the remaining strands of hair off Damon's forehead gently. â€Å"Extraordinary aura, don't you think? I'll make sure her death is beautiful.† But Damon was in one of those dreams where you can neither move nor speak. He didn't answer. Meanwhile, dream-Shinichi's dream-pets continued to climb the trees and pour themselves, like Jell-O, inside him. One, two, three, a dozen, two dozen of them.More . And Damon could not wake, even though he sensed more malach coming from the Old Wood. They were neither dead, nor living, neither man nor maiden, mere capsules of Power that would allow Shinichi to control Damon's mind from far away. Endlessly, they came. Shinichi kept watching the flow, the bright sparkle of internal organs sparkling into Damon. After a while he sang again, â€Å"Days are precious, dinna lose them Flo'ers will fade and so will ye†¦ Come to me, ye fair young maidens While young and fair ye still may be.† Damon dreamed that he heard the word â€Å"forget† as if whispered by a hundred voices. And even as he tried to remember what to forget, it dissolved and disappeared. He woke up alone in the tree, with an ache that filled his entire body.

Sunday, September 15, 2019


According to Bhabha, hybridity is the straddling of two cultures and the consequent ability to negotiate the difference. Bhabha developed his concept of hybridity from literary and cultural theory to describe the construction of culture and identity within conditions of colonial antagonism and inequality. For Bhabha, hybridity is the process by which the colonial governing authority tries to convert the identity of the colonized within a singular universal framework. The colonizers would look at the colonized in their own environment and judge their behavior and practices from their own frame of reference.Bhabha contends that a new hybrid identity or subject-position emerges from the interweaving of elements of the colonizer and colonized challenging the validity of any essentialist cultural identity. Hybridity is positioned as an antidote to essentialism, or the belief in invariable and fixed properties which define the ‘whatness’ of a given entity. (The Location of Cul ture 1994) According to Ashcroft, most postcolonial writing has focused on the hybridized nature of postcolonial culture as strength rather than a weakness. It is not a case of the oppressor obliterating the oppressed or the colonizer silencing the colonized.In practice it stresses the mutuality of the process. The clash of cultures can impact as much upon the colonizer as the colonized. It is proof that even under the most potent of oppression those distinctive aspects of the culture of the oppressed can survive and become an integral part of the new formations which arise. (Papastergiadis 1997) Ashcroft says how â€Å"hybridity and the power it releases may well be seen as the characteristic feature and contribution of the post-colonial, allowing a means of evading the replication of the binary categories of the past and developing new anti-monolithic models of cultural exchange and growth†.In conclusion, I believe that hybridity is everywhere. It represents in many instanc es the triumph of the postcolonial or the subaltern over the hegemonic. The resistant always appropriates the cultural onslaught and modifies its products or processes for its own purposes. Hybridity can be a history of slavery colonialism, and rape, inherited in terms of race. It is a difficult and painful history of interracial identity. It deals with issues of choosing one’s affiliations or having ones affiliations thrust upon one.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Home Sweet Home

Woof. Woof woof. The consistent barking of my neighbor’s dog awakens me. I look outside the window only to realize its just 5 o’clock in the morning. Four hours before I need to get ready to head out with my family for a Sunday outing. â€Å"No use hitting the pillow now. I won’t be able to sleep anyhow. †, I tell myself. Having no clue how to spend these 5 hours, I start walking around my house. My room, with its orange hues, is the brightest one of all the rooms. Be it summer, winter or monsoon, the room is always airy with plenty of light.Passing by my parents’ room, I feel a sense of warmth. The beige and cascade green always make me feel warm inside. I make myself a cup of hot coffee and head towards our balcony, which faces the beautiful, lush green lawns next to the slope of the nearby hill. I take a deep breath, inhaling the beautiful aroma of the wet soil. The chirps and trills and cuckoos of the birds draw my attention. People say, birds n ever visit places where we stay. That is so not true!A person just has to get up early and have a stroll down the road near his house. It’s hard to believe that there are so many of them around us. Soon, I see a few people walking down the road. As time passes by, more people appear and so do their vehicles. The sounds of the feathered friends are replaced by the honking and beeping of the cars and scooters. Just then, my mom reminds me that I have to get ready, ending the delightful moments I just experienced. However, there would be more such mornings; and I certainly look forward to them.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Constitutional reform Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Constitutional reform - Essay Example The rules that are provided in the constitution include the territories of the country, the language of the country and also the country’s religion (Turpin et al., 2007:41). With this in mind, there are various types of constitution varying from codified constitution to uncodified constitution, unitary to the federal constitution and also they are seen as either rigid or flexible. However, there is a common way of classifying the various types of constitutions in that the constitution is either codified or uncodified. A good example of an uncodified constitution is the British constitution while another example of a codified constitution is the constitution of U.S.A (Beatson, 1998:45). A codified constitution is one type of constitution where the important constitutional provisions are kept in a single document; thus, it is normally referred to as a written constitution. In a codified constitution, there are three main characteristics; the document placed in the constitution h as an authoritative power that it may constitute higher law, also it creates a binding effect between all political institution including those who make the ordinary law and finally the feature provided by the codified constitution are said to be entrenched. An uncodified constitution occurs on opposite sides with the codified constitution. The uncodified constitution is a type of constitution that has no legal document or well known as a written document. It consists of several rules that are provided by various types of sources in the absence of a written document. One of the characteristics of an uncodified constitution is that it has no authoritative power in that the government can amend and change the laws any time. Back to the main objective of giving an argument between codifying or uncodifying a constitution, there are several facts supporting the idea of codifying the constitution in the country. Yes, a codified constitution is needed though it is not flexible, and it is r igid. Referring to the discussions above which state the main purposes of the constitution of governing and regulating the government, it clears show that a codified constitution is needed. If a legal document lacks in the country, then how will the power of the government be determined? This means that without a codified constitution then the government of the country will have superior powers hence it will manipulate most of the issues in the country. This fact gives a clear understanding that a codified constitution so that clear and defined rules are set to prevent power abuse and overexploitation of the powers provided to the government (Heywood, 2011:10). When such act is implemented that is if a codified constitution is implemented then the citizens of the country will benefit a lot since their rights will be protected and clearly projected thus giving them the needed protection against the state. This will reduce certain case like that of Burmah Oil v Lord Advocate in case t he codified constitution is implemented due to the reasons of similarity in government’s legislative power (Chrimes 1967:42). When a referral is done to the problems seen in regard to the implementation of the codified constitution then there are suggested solutions to such problems. It seems to be a nightmare if one implemented a

Thursday, September 12, 2019

He similarities and differences between autosomal recessive and Essay

He similarities and differences between autosomal recessive and sex-linked recessive conditions - Essay Example Autosomal recessive conditions manifest themselves only when an individual is homozygous for the affected allele that causes a certain condition The alleles that cause these conditions are not found on the sex genes (the X or Y chromosomes), and the affects are generally masked in the heterozygous parents who possess both a normal, dominant allele and the affected recessive allele. Only offspring with both recessive alleles, meaning both parents are heterozygous carriers of the recessive genes will be affected. These disorders are present in only about 2.5 per 1000 live births, and will not be manifested is the offspring receives a dominant allele from either parent. Sex-linked recessive conditions are found on the sex chromosomes. Females, who have two X chromosomes will only show the condition if, like autosomal recessive conditions, they inherit a recessive allele from both parents. Males, having only one X chromosome, are always affected by X-linked recessive alleles because they have no other dominant allele to mask the affects of the single affected X chromosome (Kumar and Clark 2009, p. 43). The primary difference between autosomal recessive and sex-linked recessive is how males and females are likely to be affected, and how likely each are to inherit, a condition. Examples of autosomal recessive conditions include cystic fibrosis and sickle cell disease. Examples of sex-linked recessive conditions include hemophilia and red-green color blindness.... This means that heterozygous parents may be carriers for certain conditions. Only if both parents pass the recessive allele onto the offspring will the offspring express the condition. This results in the chance that two heterozygous parents pass on an autosomal recessive condition of only 25%, whereas there is a 50% chance that a single heterozygous parents will pass on the condition to the offspring (Kumar and Clark 2009, p. 42-43). Examples of autosomal dominant conditions include Huntington’s disease. 3. Describe the differences seen between benign and malignant tumours. Use appropriate examples, with rationale, to support your points. Tumors arise from changes in a single cell that proliferate to affect areas of the body or even the whole body. Oncogenesis is a multistep process in which the malignant phenotype is expressed, which may occur due to both genetic and environmental factors. Anaplasia and metastatis are characteristics of malignant tumors, but no benign tumors . Anaplasia refers to the reversion of cellular differentiation and often includes an increased ability to multiply without differentiation. Metastatsis refers to the capacity of malignant tumor cells to spread across the body to adjacent and non-adjacent organs, often but not always through the bloodstream (Kumar and Clark 2009, p. 49). Benign tumors are nonprogressive and do not metastatis to other areas of the body. Some common examples of benign tumors include the common mole. Moles may sometimes develop malignancy over the course of an individual’s lifetime, however, so regular examinations by a physician are recommended. 4. Define with suitable examples, the following terms: aetiology,